Smoking Cessation Support Provided by Healthcare Professionals

Health professionals play a key role in triggering and supporting smokers to quit smoking. Smoking cessation interventions including very brief advice (VBA), brief intervention, behavioural support and medications is effective even when used independently. Combining different interventions and increasing intensity of intervention can further increase the success rate.

Information note on smoking cessation

To support health professionals in helping smokers to quit smoking, we have prepared a spectrum of resources ranging from patient pamphlets, referral forms to cessation clinics, VBA and brief intervention delivery flowchart, healthcare professional online training, to a Practical Handbook for Smoking Cessation Treatments:

Other Online Training Materials

eLearning ABC – Help your client quit smoking

WHO e-Learning course “Training for primary care providers: brief tobacco interventions

Application Form for Supporting Materials for Health Professionals

20 March 2024